
  • Language Program Students

Institute of Global Chinese Language Teacher Education

As a training provider of various programs, the Institute of Global Chinese Language Teacher Education works primarily in conjunction with the Center for Language Education and Cooperation of China’s Ministry of Education. For a long time, the Institute has undertaken the training of deans of Confucius Institutes, localized Chinese teachers, summer camps, reserved volunteer Chinese language teachers, and government-sponsored teachers commissioned by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation.

1. Training of deans

The Institute takes charge of dean training programs for Confucius Institutes entrusted by t the Center for Language Education and Cooperation, which has been praised by the trainees for its targeted and quality courses. So far, a total of 55 Chinese deans of Confucius Institutes have studied here, and 68 foreign deans have been provided with two training sessions.

2. Training of localized teachers and summer camps

The Institute places an emphasis on localized teacher training and summer camp training for students, recruiting trainees from all over the world. In addition to the modularized, credit-bearing and graded curriculum, it makes timely adjustments according to the needs and characteristics of trainees from different countries and regions, and flexibly optimizes courses and activities by listening to their feedback and suggestions. This greatly improves the trainees' abilities in Chinese language teaching, Chinese culture communication and classroom management. As of 2020, it has provided training for a total of 3,351 localized teachers and offered summer camp training for 3,218.

3. Training of government-sponsored teachers and reserve of volunteer Chinese language teachers 

The Institute offers regular training for government-sponsored teachers and reserved volunteer Chinese language teachers. Detailed training programs are developed to ensure quality and efficient courses and conducive learning conditions. To enhance trainees' competency for overseas work, the Institute provides targeted instruction with support of countries concerned to facilitate students' adaptation to local teaching environments. As of 2020, it has trained 8,369 government-sponsored teachers and 5,925 volunteer Chinese language teachers.